Ilmu Itu Murah Maka Amalkanlah

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Client Server: The Mecanism

From all that I know client server from what has been learned is:

Communication can occur if the searcher or commonly called a client with who prepare commonly called server is connected. To connect the client and the server port is required on each client and server. Both of these ports will be forming a socket, in which the socket that is the connector between clients and servers.

Communication is not only done by one client and one server, but can be done by one server and more than one client.  This process also called multi connection. The process of multi connections are as follows:

When the first client has been connected on the server, the server will create a thread, then that client will be transferred to the thread, so that the server port will be empty and the other clients can connect to the server port. Threads created by the server that will that will prepare all clients the needs.

That process will be repeated when there is another client who wants to connect to the server port. And if the client is no longer connected, then the thread should be deleted.

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