Ilmu Itu Murah Maka Amalkanlah

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Method Of Research Exercise 3



Selasa, 29 November 2011

Method Of Research Exercise 2

Problem formulation:

Often, the student considering the studied subjects is hard and he was not capable to learn it, so they are lazy to study.


- Conduct visits to three universities in Medan
Visits was made to see condition of students when the learning process occurs
- Provide questionnaires to 100 students from three universities
Questionnaires are given is the problems faced when they learn, that makes them lazy to study
- Conducting an experiment
- Conducting measurement and comparison of experiments that have been conducted
- Taking the conclusions as the result


Table Of Content

Daftar Isi Putri Monica


Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Client Server: The Mecanism

From all that I know client server from what has been learned is:

Communication can occur if the searcher or commonly called a client with who prepare commonly called server is connected. To connect the client and the server port is required on each client and server. Both of these ports will be forming a socket, in which the socket that is the connector between clients and servers.

Communication is not only done by one client and one server, but can be done by one server and more than one client.  This process also called multi connection. The process of multi connections are as follows:

When the first client has been connected on the server, the server will create a thread, then that client will be transferred to the thread, so that the server port will be empty and the other clients can connect to the server port. Threads created by the server that will that will prepare all clients the needs.

That process will be repeated when there is another client who wants to connect to the server port. And if the client is no longer connected, then the thread should be deleted.


Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Medica Tutoring Web Based Information System

Background of the problem :
1. Medica tutoring registration process often take a long time, even though the students who will enroll about ten people in a day. So that applicants often wait a long time when registering.
2.Value of the quizzes and simulations need to be searched at notice board, where there are thousand of student enrolled. So to find the value of the results of quizzes and simulations take a long time 
3. If students can not attend to follow the class, to get material that has been taught must repeat the class in the classroom on another day, event though that student cannot attend too in that day. 
4. Students often have difficulty in meeting the teacher to discuss, because sometimes the teacher is discussing with another students, even though that students

Formulation of the problem :
1. Tutoring medica still use manual systems for inputing data,
2. Tutoring payments are still done manually too
3. The results of quizzes and simulations are still viewed manually through notice board
4. The material is only taught once when class learning takes place.
5. Discussions conducted just in tutoring place

Objectives : 
Make Medica Tutoring website where in the website will include online tutoring registration, enrolled students quiz and simulation results, as well as materials that have been taught and the latest info.

Benefits : 
With this website it will be:
1. facilitate students in registering tutoring enroll in Medica
2. facilitate the student to see the results of quizzes and simulations
3. facilitate teacher in providing materials that have been taught
4. facilitate students in a discussion with teacher in discussion forum,
5. facilitate students in getting the latest info

So that students no longer need to come and wait in line to register for tutoring, no longer have trouble finding results of quizzes and simulations in notice board, as well as for students who can not attend can get material that has been taught and the latest info, and also can re-discuss the materials that are less understood in the learning forum.

Things that limiting a research is:
a)      Time.
Time provided for doing the research is 198 mans per hours.
b)     Funds.
Funds provided for the research is Rp 3000000.
c)      Area.
·         Field Trip: All Medica branch office throughout Medan.
·         Office      : In the house and college.
d)      Facilities and Infrastructure.
For doing research the facilities and the infrastructure is:
·         Information about Medica.
·         1 unit PC.
·         Needed software such as Photoshop, Dream Weaver, Flash, etc.
·         Printer.
·         Scanner.
·         Digital Camera
·         Guiding Book.
e)      Personnel.
The research is conducted by 1 Person.
f)       Science Field.
According from the program study the science field for do a research is Informatic Management.

Procedure that will conduct to obtain the expected result are:
a)      Visit all Medica branch office in Medan.
Direct visit will make we know what they need in that time.
b)       Interviews the owner of the company, staff and students in all Medica Branch Office.
Interview done to obtain more accurate and detailed information.
c)       Designing Information Systems like DFD, Output, Input, Database and Database Normalization.
Information systems should be designed because the information systems will be a guide in making the Web.
d)      Creating a Website Design and Animation.
Website Design and Animation will make the Website look more attractive.
e)      Creating a Website Programming.
Website Programming will make the Website more interactive and user friendly.
f)       Input data.
A website should provide information for the people so all data regarding the Medica will be entered into the Website.
g)      Analyzing Errors.
Website must be analyzed again in order to avoid small mistake.
h)      Creating Reports.
The report made as evidence that the research has been conducted so the report can be used by another person.


Problem for method of research

Why anti-corruption commission do corruption in Indonesia..


Senin, 26 September 2011

Membuat Readmore di Blogspot

Tahap 1 - Edit HTML

Langkah pertama silahkan login di blogger dan pilih blog yang akan di pasang read more.

Kedua, masuk ke menu edit html, lalu checklist kolom expand template widget kemudian cari kode html seperti ini :


Ketiga, hapus kode tersebut lalu ganti dengan kode yang ini :

<b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;"> <style>
</style> <data:post.body></data:post.body>
<b:else> <style>
</style> <data:post.body></data:post.body>
<a expr:href="data:post.url" href="">Read More .. </a> </b:else>

Silahkan ganti text read more nya terserah anda. Kalo blog kursus blog ini pake baca selanjutnya. Jika sudah save template

Tahap 2 - Cara Posting

Setelah bagian edit html beres, sekarang saatnya untuk cara posting artikel dengan menggunakan read more. Langkah pertama, Silahkan buat postingan sampe selesai dulu. Kedua, tentukan paragraf yang akan di tampilkan kemudian pasang kode ini dibawah paragraf tersebut :

"<span class="fullpost">"

Ketiga, pasang kode berikut di akhir postingan


Udah ngerti kan ??
Kalo masih belum saya kasih gambarannya.

Paragraf postingan yang akan ditampilkan disini
"<span class="fullpost">"
Postingan yang ditampilkan setelah read more di klik disini

Semoga anda mengerti, jika ada yang ingin anda tanyakan silahkan poskan komentar...
